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Every Walker has a different reason for walking. For instance, I have a family history of heart disease, so I walk to make sure I stay in shape.


Several friends of mine use walking as their main form of transportation because they care deeply about the environment


Some people walk to bring awareness to a health cause, or social cause, that they care deeply about. 

Walking for Cause that’s important to you is great way to motivate yourself to walk while also doing good.  

Walking with a group is a good way to make a difference while connecting with others who share your interests and concerns. 

Some many reasons to Walk, it touches your community, there are so many reasons to walk. Let us know why you walk.  





There is a difference between getting butterflies in your stomach before an exam, and not being able to get out of bed because you are petrified of failing. The fear of failing can be so crippling that actually attempting the exam feels literally impossible.  There is a difference between having a few down days where you wonder what is going on and what the purpose of life is, and wondering if life is really worth living and if death is truly the only way out. There is a difference between a lot of what we consider “normal” and what we have begun to notice is a mental health concern. We have learned that a lot of these concerns are not things that people willingly choose to struggle with, but rather that their body functions in such a way that they cannot seem to overcome their struggles on their own. It is important to raise awareness so that we do not dismiss our friend’s “low period” with him as just being in a funk, or we do not tell our family member that everyone struggles with anxiety and they need to get over theirs. Raising awareness means giving people the freedom to feel, and to know that it is okay to seek help. This can cover depression, anxiety, eating disorders, anger, perfectionism, procrastination… this list truly can go on and on. We need to raise awareness so that those who are struggling and battling alone know that they can journey with others through these challenges.






Public Awareness is important for many obvious reasons. But when it comes to health issues, it’s a necessity. Not being aware of illness or the ways one can become ill is extremely problematic in a society where health issues are a serious problem.

If you look at the statistics, pharmaceutical companies are in demand more now than ever and health care insurance is at the top of our countries agenda.We all know something about certain diseases. Like how bad they are, when there’s a breakout or what it means when a friend or family member gets sick. But that’s mostly all we know – the face value, doom and gloom of it all. Everyone needs to know there’s help thanks to medical advancements, there are new treatment programs on trial, support groups, and medical insurance available.

Raising Awareness of Health Issues is important because many of our societies are directly affected by it, and yet hugely misinformed! Do we bother to know things about the organizations that are out there and who are dedicated to helping those who are sick?






The word “social” deals with how we interact as human beings in a group. It also covers things like how we live or like to live with other people, and how we interact with community companionship or company.


What are Social Problems

Social problems are the general factors that affect and damage society. A social problem is normally a term used to describe problems with a particular area or group of people in the world. Social problems often involve problems that affect the real world. It also affects how people react to certain situations. 


Examples of Social Problems

Social problems today are what we never used to encounter years back. Each day, they are getting worst and worst. For example, health problems are a social issue because the number of patients is increasing who are being diagnosed from life threatening diseases like AIDS and cancer. Due to lack of proper healthcare reform, this problem has taken the form of a social issue.


Another example is the situation of teens. They have to frequently get exposed to the society that is full of misguidance. Within less time, they become involved in alcohol abuse, eating disorders and even stress. They often commit suicides. In America, 8 teens die each day because of drunk driving. That is not the only issue teens have to face, they even have to encounter violence. One in two rape victims is an individual who is under the age of 18. That shows even the society is not safe for the teens.




The mission of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.


It cost nearly $1 billion to operate St. Jude in 2016. Approximately 75% of the costs of St. Jude are covered by public contributions. 


Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to more than 80 percent since we opened more than 50 years ago. 


Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food—because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.  


Because the majority of St. Jude funding comes from individual contributors, St. Jude has the freedom to focus on what matters most saving kids regardless of their financial situation. 




Hunger is a pretty simple concept. But it’s also an incredibly complex concept. You may know, for instance, that one out of every nine people are living at some level of food insecurity. But what is food insecurity? Is that the same as malnutrition? When is a famine a famine? And how many people are facing these issues?

Here, we cover both numbers and the meaning


More than 48 million people are facing emergency levels of hunger, with the threat of acute malnutrition, starvation, and death, according to the World Food Programme (WFP). The number is growing at an alarming rate, reports the Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC). About 193 million people in 53 countries/territories experienced acute food insecurity at crisis levels or worse in 2021, an increase of nearly 40 million people compared to 2020, according to the GNAFC.


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